Tuesday, February 23, 2010


It's me again!
I just wanted to see if you people out there were still alive... cuz I know we still are! Max, Angel, and I just went out for some shopping and were almost ripped to bits by some flyboys... but of course we kicked their butts!
Well have fun with your "normal" lives...


  1. dude i got no life and if i did not a normal one!

  2. Oh. My. God. You're real... *falls on knees* OHMIGOSH NUDGE!!!!! YOU'RE REAL!!! I don't have a normal life so SHUT UP...

  3. HAHA! i wish i had a normal life. well unless you think curing cancer and understanding the way the human mind truly works at the age of sixteen is normal. ever since i was about six years old i've been interested in harnessing the porwers of the human brain. i've been trying to understand how the human brain works but it gets a little complicated when you reach a certain point. i really just joined this forum in the firstplace because of my skill for strategy and i thought i might be able to help you with a few things (bullets and choppers not excluded). i've only read to page 55 of the first book so if you've already solved those problems i apologize and will help you with any others that i might be able to once i get to the end of the last book. i find it rather hard to distinguish what order your books are in so it took me a half hour to figure out wich one was the first and even now i'm not sure it's the right one. is the angel experiment the first book? anyway i'm willing to talk about anything you want. i also have a design for a special device i thought up that you might find useful on some occasions. for the sake of those who can overhear on this blog i will refrain from mentioning details but if you want to set up a secure communication system that can't be overheard i would be more than glad to share my designs with you. or you could just get my email adress from this site and email me for the designs.

  4. ever consider getting bombs from Iggy and Gazzy, just in case? well, c ya later, lov ya guys!!

    1. yeah, lol stock up on bombs from Iggy and Gazzy...

  5. Normal is not a word to describe my life, nudge. I know that I don't have it as hard as you though. If you guys need a place to stay let me know :)And don't worry 'bout my parents

    1. ya know nudge, iggy, fang, total, gazzy,max, or angel will never tell, i mean what if ur a evil scientist.........................................................jk(about the evil scientist part anyway)

    2. You never know. As I've learned from Max, you can never trust anyone. Except me. Cause I'm total awesome and- sorry. I'm just super excited.

  6. Ugh, i feel so behind now, i just finished reading Fang! like, I'm so behind on reading. and how did you convine max to go shopping?

    ~swimming with the fishies

  7. Man you guys should keep posting. i get that your all save the world and all, but i thought your blog was supposed to help save the world. Can't save the world here unless we know whats going on out there!!!

  8. No,duh! This is the BEST blog EVER!

  9. Nudge (or monique) ur my favorite n i aint that normal i can cross my eyes i can make em vibrate i can disconnect my shoulder on will and i can touch my nose with my tounge

  10. This is amazing!!! Best blog ever!! :D

  11. Nudge is one of my favorite characters in the series!!!!

  12. Fang email me i need th ask u a question

  13. Fang email me cbdspyder07@gmail.com

  14. Guys, they're to busy saving the world.

  15. woah this is cool,love you guys!

  16. woah this is cool,love you guys!
